Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Days Before Thanksgiving Day - 1724 Words

Three days before Thanksgiving Day I lost someone very special to me, due to a terrible sickness. She had Dementia, Diabetes, and two major strokes I was very close to that person. I would always go to her house once a month. When my family wasn t busy I would spend every waking minute I could with her. She was like my best friend. She was a very godly woman, she would sometimes sing hymns and I would sing with her then we would laugh after words. Every time I go there I just loved seeing her smile at me. Maya Angelou once said that â€Å" No matter what happens or how bad it seems today life does go on and it will be better tomorrow.† I woke up today thinking I would have a good day. But I got a phone call from my Mom saying that she will be home in a couple of minutes. She said that she had to talk to us when she got home. I was wondering what she was going to be telling us. So then when she got home all of us kids sat down on the couch. The couch was a smooth brown couch which I really loved the soft smooth feeling when I sat down and felt it. So then my Mom said I got a call from Grandpa Ruby and Grammy is in the hospital, and I was just thinking was this some kind of sick joke. Are you serious? After that my Mom asked if any one wanted to go with her and my Dad up to Columbus to visit her or just stay at home so we all said that we wanted to go. So I started to get packed up and ready to go, I just tried my best not to think about it because it made meShow MoreRelatedPreparation Outline For Informative Spe772 Words   |  4 Pagestraditions of Thanksgiving, as well as the new era traditions of the holiday. Introduction As long as I can remember my family has always had food on the table and a family gathering on the fourth November in our home. We have all heard elementary stories of wood cabins and the Pilgrims and Indians celebrating thanksgiving. Though, I never knew the reason they were celebrating. Today as Thanksgiving is closely approaching, I am going to talk to you about the history of Thanksgiving, its traditionsRead MoreEarly Openning on Thanksgiving1451 Words   |  6 PagesThursday Thanksgiving Day, which is always the fourth Thursday in November in the United States, is a week from today (today is Nov. 15, 2012; Thanksgiving Day is Nov. 22 this year). The day after Thanksgiving Day is called â€Å"Black Friday† in the business world. â€Å"Black Friday† is the unofficial beginning of the Christmas and Hanukkah shopping season. The word â€Å"black† in â€Å"Black Friday† is an accounting term meaning â€Å"profit.† Businesses that have been operating â€Å"in the red† prior to Thanksgiving Day willRead MoreThe Christmas Day : The Dangers Of Christmas And Christmas882 Words   |  4 Pages1st, which means in approximately 22 days I have to clock in at work. You may be thinking, You have to work? Big deal. But, if you take a moment to think about it, that day falls on Thanksgiving. The thought of â€Å"The Holidays† might provoke feelings of togetherness, happiness and warmth. But, for others, Thanksgiving and Ch ristmas can be a stressful, surreal blur.1 Many Americans strive to make Thanksgiving perfect by planning and prepping weeks—even months—before. Walmarts and other stores are packedRead MoreThanksgiving Day By Melanie Wallendorf And Eric J. Arnould857 Words   |  4 Pages Thanksgiving is a time for families to come together and start the holiday season. People tend to make lots of food and the objective is to eat as much as you can. We will reflect on â€Å"Consumption Rituals of Thanksgiving Day† by Melanie Wallendorf and Eric J. Arnould. We will also take a look at how Thanksgiving tends to contain family rituals. Thanksgiving is a special time of year where people get together to see family and to indulge in food and good times. Wallendorf and Arnould’s book talkRead MoreEssay on History of Thanksgiving885 Words   |  4 Pages Thanksgiving is a very important holiday in present-day American culture. People all throughout America take extra care to make this day a memorable and happy celebration. This tradition has been in the American lifestyle since 1621 when it first started. Even though this tradition has been altered and changed the significance and meaning remains the same. The first Thanksgiving was an important landmark and made a huge imprint in the American culture today. The first Thanksgiving was celebratedRead MoreBlack Friday Is Flipping The Bird1354 Words   |  6 Pagesbiggest shopping day of the year is known as â€Å"Black Friday†. This is when loads of people all around the country gather around to shop store sales everywhere before Christmas time settles in. â€Å"Stores began to use the term in the 1970s because the day after Thanksgiving marked the start of the profitable holiday shopping season†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Zillman). According to Amanda Nicholson this term may go back even earlier into the 1960s. Black Friday was how police officers described the day after Thanksgiving because residentsRead MoreMy American Culture And The Mexican Culture982 Words   |  4 Pages Battling between the confound of two cultures yet attempting to embrace both has shaped me into the individual I am present day. I grew up in a loving home surrounded by a nationally diverse family. Nevertheless, one thing we all have in common is our Mexican culture passed on to us by our wonderful ancestors. Even though some of my family members reside in different states, some even in different countries, we are all able to connect with each other when practicing our traditions and customs.Read More Thanksgiving Essay examples588 Words   |  3 Pagessurprising. Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims seem to go together, but the truth is, the Pilgrims never held an autumnal Thanksgiving feast. However the Pilgrims did have a feast in 1621, after their first harvest, and it is this feast, which people often refer to as quot;The First Thanksgivingquot;. This feast was never repeated, though, so it cant be called the beginning of a tradition, nor was it termed by the colonists or quot;Pilgrimsquot; a Thanksgiving Feast. In fact, a day of thanksgiving was aRead More How to Prepare a Thanksgiving Dinner Essay1323 Words   |  6 PagesPrepare a Thanksgiving Dinner Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate our joys with friends and family. Unfortunately, if you are the person designated to cooking the holiday dinner, the joys can turn into complete and total fear. Ill never forget the first time I made Thanksgiving dinner for twenty family members and friends. I waited until the last minute to start and the dinner ended in a complete disaster. In the years following that failure, I have learned that preparing a Thanksgiving dinnerRead MoreWhat Makes A Day?1360 Words   |  6 PagesA Day to Remember School just let out for Thanksgiving break and I couldn’t have been happier. There are so many things that I love about Thanksgiving break; there is no school, more time to be with the family, and the Thanksgiving meal. Thanksgiving is more than having a turkey on the table; it’s about coming together as a family, putting all worries aside, and being thankful for each other. Family is a precious thing we have on earth and yet one of the most unappreciated. We seldom realize the

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Effect of culture in business - 1012 Words

1. A growing number of Americans work for foreign-owned firms in the United States. Do you think that these American employees are being influenced by the foreign owners approach to management and the culture of the country of the owner? Because of globalization, businesses are open to do business in new markets and improving profits. Also because of globalization, companies are faced with different cultures, religion and norms. For a company to do business in another country, a manager needs to understand the differences associated with the host country. Globalization is defined as this interdependency of transportation, distribution, communication, and economic networks across international borders (Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, †¦show more content†¦Communication skills: Communication is essential when working abroad. It is imperative that a manager or employee be able to communicate with peers and superiors effectively. Transfer of knowledge skills: Learning about a practice, technique, or approach in one country that can be transferred elsewhere is a skill that managers can apply on a regular basis (Gibson et al., 2012, p 62). 3. Describe the attitudes a manager would need to be successful and effective in managing in India, China, and Saudi Arabia. A manager would need to have the same basic skills in order to a successful and effective manager in India, China, and Saudi Arabia. According to Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, Konopaske Strong technical skills Good language skills Strong desire to work overseas Knowledge of the culture Well-adjusted family situation Spouse support Behavioral flexibility Adaptability Good relational ability Stress management skills According Goodall and Warner (2007), a manager who wants to work in China would need to be: Open-minded to the culture shock. Desire to learn the language and culture. Good communication skills. Strong organizational commitment: Think not what your company can do for you, but what you can do for your company (Goodall et al., 2007, p 13). In China, it is hard to retain employees due to the competition of labor. China does not have enough skilled labors and is experiencing tremendous growth economically. To be anShow MoreRelatedEffects of Culture in Business Communication1635 Words   |  7 PagesHow does culture effect business communication in the workplace? Home  » Information Technology  » Intro to Business Communication  » How does culture effect business communication in the workplace? Cultural awareness in communication is crucial in today’s workplace. Businesses must adjust and accommodate new attitudes, rules, and values that are merging in this intercultural society and workplace. Businesses need to be aware of stereotypes, prejudices, and generalizations and proactively educate employeesRead MoreEffect of Culture in International Business Essay1492 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Culture is an important part of International Business. Culture is defining the collection of values, beliefs, behaviours, customs and attitudes of the member in the society. Culture is the behaviour that people act in the community. The characteristic of culture is also reflects learned behaviour that is transmitted from one member to another in society. There are also basic elements cultures such as social structure, language and religious. So the foreigner who wants to operateRead MoreImportance Of Culture And Its Effect On Business Communication Essay2844 Words   |  12 PagesCROSS CULTURAL MANAGEMENT TERM PAPER Importance of culture and its role in business communication DONE BY NANDHA PUNIT 635370 LECTURER: SALOME GITOHO 16 March 2015 Table of Contents Executive summary 3 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 So what are culture and its effects on communication? 4 Cultural impacts on business communication 5 How business communication affects culture 7 How to add value in cross cultural skills to improve business communication 8 References 11 â€Æ' Executive summaryRead MoreCulture Shock And The Effect On International Business2714 Words   |  11 PagesCulture shock and the effect on international business Culture Shock as defined by : A sense of confusion and uncertainty sometimes with feelings of anxiety that may affect people exposed to an alien culture or environment without adequate preparation Kohls (1979) defined culture shock as â€Å"the term used for the pronounced reactions to the psychological disorientation that is experienced in varying degrees when spending an extended periodRead MoreThe Effects of Organizational Structure, Culture and Management Style on the Performance of a Business956 Words   |  4 PagesThe Effects of Organizational Structure, Culture and Management Style on the Performance of a Business J-Sainsburys is a hierarchical organisation. The hierarchal structure starts from the Chairman (non-executive) and deputy chairman are at the highest level in the hierarchical and the rest come under them level by level, depending on the job. To reduce communication problems for Sainsburys they can set up special systems to improve flow of information. One of SainsburysRead MoreAnalyze the Relationship Between Management Structure and Culture and Its Effect on Business Performance1573 Words   |  7 PagesAnalyze the relationship between management structure and culture and its effect  on business performance; Introduction Company’s management structure is highly influenced by over all corporate culture. Company’s management structure is the surface layer of corporate culture in other words that is the visible expressions of corporate culture .Culture shows up in both visible and invisible ways. Some expressions of corporate culture are easy to observe. You can see dress code, work environment, benefitsRead MoreA New Team Of Global Employees1257 Words   |  6 Pagesand the concerns challenging them, the team, and the business. The specific groups in question is consist of a person from Greece, a person from Iran, a person from Germany, and person from Singapore. In order to examine the group LDR 804 GLOBE task information was collected concerning the personalities of persons from stated countries. This study will look at culture evaluation instruments and how they will be useful to measure the business culture and to find cultural holes associated with this teamRead MoreCulture Can Be B oth An Asset And A Liability1571 Words   |  7 PagesQuestion: Culture can be both an asset and a liability to an organisation Ravasi and Schultz (2006) wrote that Organizational culture is shared values and ideas that guide appropriate behaviour for various situations in the organization. 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The objective of this report is to recognize the importance of cultural factors occurring in marketing communications. Therefore, it discusses the following: †¢ Key issues in cross-cultural marketing communication which shows identifying the cultural factors to support marketing communication in the proposed markets and pre-requisites for cross-cultural communication. †¢ Culture-related barriers to marketing and how to approach this issue

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Evolution of Interior Design Free Essays

The Evolution of Interior Design Question: Discourse the work James Stirling ; Norman Foster ; Ettore Sottsass ; Richard Rogers ; David Hicks ; Philippe Starck. Post- Modernism period is from the1950s to 21th century. Post-modern manner leading at 1970s influenced today architecture and merchandise design even in writing design. We will write a custom essay sample on The Evolution of Interior Design or any similar topic only for you Order Now Apart of influence to architecture design, it besides has civilization, literature, art, doctrine, history, economic sciences, architecture, fiction, and literary unfavorable judgment. Post-modern manner make more same manner edifice in the universe appeared. Post-Modernism makes local features and traditional design fade out. Nowadays architecture and urban landscape are excessively deadening and no particular point. However architecture industry appears immature interior decorators and immature designer groups that try to alter and develop the Post-Modern manner edifice mentality. That occurred revolution of the architecture industry. Classical, Modern and Post-Modern architecture are simple definition. We can see every metropolis established the architecture by utilizing of the geometric. The geometric construction is the most popular manner. These thought had been given from Bauhaus. Bauhaus is influenced to modernism architecture largely. The modern architecture it is non excessively much ornament. The stuff and functional architecture is a modern manner characteristic chiefly. Until now, the Post-Modern architecture is non merely about aesthetic. Meanwhile Post-Modern architecture the feature is focus in environmental protection. Besides that, we can establish the Post-Modernism return to classical manner in architecture and furniture design. I will present several most of import Post-Modern Architects and Designers. James Stirling he is Architect in British. He designed the History Faculty Library, Cambridge, completed in 1968. He was a led in Post-modern motion of import individual. In Italy Ettore Sottsass is a interior decorator. Graduated with a grade in architecture but some of his iconic plants is a merchandise design Typewriter Valentine. Richard Rogers is a British designer. He corporate with the Italian designer Renzo Piano Designed the Pompidou Center in 1971-77 in Paris. The Centre attack is hi-tech. David Hicks is an Interior Designer. He strongly introduced Color and Graphic such as colliding colourss and geometric form rugs. He pioneered a mix and lucifer old-timer with the modern pieces. There are two of import individual will be discussed in below. They are most popular designer Norman Foster and Designer Philippe Starck at today. First allow us discourse Norman Foster, Norman Forster is a Post-Modernism hi-tech iconic designer interior decorator. He is worldwide celebrated designer. He is a star in architectural industry besides he won many of the universe category architectural awards. He is one of the universe ‘s major designers. The Gale Group Inc ( 2004 ) point out that â€Å"Called the â€Å" hero of high-tech, † his architectural signature is a design that opens a edifice up to the populace, is aware of the environment, and saves money by utilizing modern stuffs and advanced technology.† HSBC Bank is a most popular bank In Hong Kong. Besides Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation ( HSBC ) Headquarters. Looking edifices around in Hong Kong Central the architecture is still most modern, even though it was established in 1985. That architecture is a British designer Norman Foster design. In fact, his celebrated designed Huge Financial Commercial Building and Airport Terminal. In 1986s Hong Kong, we all know HSBC Building Hong Kong designed by him the edifice manner is hi-tech. Structural of steel parts was manufactured in United Kingdom. Glass, aluminium outer frame and flooring was manufactured in America. Component installations were manufactured in Japan. The edifice architecture design construction is non internal support. All back uping constructions was located outer frame of the edifice and free remotion. And glass frontage designed to do the best usage of natural visible radiation. The land floor anteroom door is toward north South, winter maintain cool in the anteroom, it save air-conditioning costs. The High-tech architecture is besides known as Structural Expressionism. That constructing gives him celebrated in the international architecture industry. At 1998s Hong Kong International Airport Terminal besides designed by him. That made him well-known in arc hitecture industry. At 2013s, he designed Kai Tak Cruise Terminal in Hong Kong. In add-on Hong Kong International Airport Terminal and Hung Hom Station were close to the same design. At the same clip at Beijing, China 2003 – 2008. He designed Beijing Airport. The exterior of the Beijing airdrome expression like similar to Hong Kong International Airport. That is Norman surrogate manner I would state. Although, the airdrome is look like excessively similar of mentality. But we if carefully analyze for that architecture. We will happen some differences and interesting is come from the Beijing airdrome architecture design. Norman Forster is non merely merely using technologically improved to airport edifice. He is really intimate design for in footings of rider experience. The terminal it’s used surging aerodynamic on the roof. And so the roof Imagination signifier Chinese firedrake signifier and Chinese colourss red. It is so symbolic for China. Norman Foster designed for maximal flexibleness to care with can non cognize in future of the air power industry. It is deciding the hereafter complicated air travel. The Beijing Airport Terminal that interior spacial lucidity uniting with high service criterions. As for public conveyance, the airdrome edifice connect are to the full integrated all sort of transit. Passengers are non walking excessively long distances arrive finish. He suggested shorten distances of the route for flights. It can be made transportation times flights are minimized clip. Beijing airport terminus is like to Hong Kong International airport terminus. The construct is both of the unfastened position to the exterior. Particular comment, the Beijing airdrome merely four old ages can be design and built that airdrome terminus. David McManus ( 2015 ) point out that â€Å"The terminus edifice is one of the world’s most sustainable, integrating a scope of inactive environmental design constructs, † Mr. Foster he really good usage the fanlight. The fanlight can be gain from the Sun visible radiation. I’m holding he is â€Å" hero of high-tech † . His great usage high engineering for himself design construct. Mr. Foster has alone architecture system and signifier. If no Hong Kong International Airport design and build experience. I think Beijing Airport can non complete within four old ages of design and built that airdrome terminus. I would state he is architect of hi-tech male parent. What is this? UFO can be doing an orange juice or lemon juicy? The UFO allow me conceive of that merely a micro-sculpture is non holding functional. But that merchandise is a citrus squeezer. That might be one of his best-known plants. This citrous fruit squeezer Iconic symbol of Philippe Starck and produced by Alessi. Philippe Starck is celebrated Product Designer, Industrial Design every bit good as designer. He is astonishing interior decorator in my head. His feature is the focal point on different countries of the design. His plant is from high budget of the architectural design to smaller plants of the toothbrush merchandise. He is really originative in all design. Such as designed of the computing machine mouse for Microsoft, every bit good as redesigned new packaging for Beer Brand. Philippe Starck design normally use different stuff mixed such as glass and rocks or plastic and aluminium combine. His about celebrated design works in 1990 Juicy Salif. That Juicer looks as a Rocket Launcher that is designed for Italian Brand Alessi Housewares. The most well-known is the 1984 Paris Cafe Costes. In add-on, the Asakusa Tokyo Asahi Beer Tower, Hong Kong Peninsula Hotel Felix saloon. His interior design manner keeps in classical or old manner and assorted with the modern-day stuff. That his attemp t is design for every organic structure Philippe Starck with Baccarat’s signature ruddy crystal pendent lamp redesigned. He adds black crystal and lined with aluminium on the pendent lamp. The name is ZENITH NOIR it is neoclassical historical manner. He likes to alter the historical manner utilizing new modern stuff renew. Another iconic and great design is ghost chair. The chair is best Sellerss today. That is neoclassical historical manner. He redesigns the classical chair was used by crystalline polycarbonate stuff. The chair used by crystalline stuff, it will be unseeable in the inside has no chair consequence, that consequence is so interesting. Philippe Starck in 2014s cooperates with RIKO. RIKO is a wooden buildings company. The undertaking name is a Prefabricated Accessible Technology Homes short name is PATH. We are populating in a modern age ; the PATH house has been given populating with nature for homo. The PATH house design construct is come from future. Uniting high engineering, comfy, sustainable, dateless design and regard environment. The PATH thought is come from Philippe Starck. But he is inexorable that PATH house design its does non used a Starck manner. The house building is utilizing Aluminum and Spruce Wood. The house exterior is utilizing aluminum stuff. This stuff is good for insularity consequence. Indoor interior design is utilizing dapper decor. Overall for the house, his design is included coordinating, renewable energy power coevals, solar panels, air current turbines, geothermic systems, and rainwater aggregation system. It will be installed on the roof. It can be greatly reduced by more than 50 % of ecological technology. That house design is a Philippe Starck breakthrough his design thought. Philippe Starck design is in usage the historical elements really good. Even the PATH house design is non Starck manner but we if carefully analyze for that house. We will establish the house is a Roman ionic order transforming of the lift. He is my favourite interior decorator for me. In decision, I think Norman Foster has influence to architecture travel to hi-tech tendency and systematisation buildings. He is leading the High-tech architecture functional edifice and environmental protection constructing popular development motion. Today design manner influence modern-day designer and have High-tech outer frame manner use. Philippe Starck has influence to modern-day stuff and renaissance classical or old manner design blending use. Beyond the Post-Modernism and design regulations. His astonishing design manner inspires a new coevals of designer and interior decorators what is originative and multitasking of design think. Reference List: Muschamp, V. ( 1992, June 26 ) . James Stirling, 66, a Bold British Architect, Dies. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Moore, R. ( 2014, May 18 ) . Ettore Sottsass: the godfather of Italian cool. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // l-memphis-collective Zukowsky, J. ( 2013, May 30 ) . Richard Rogers British designer. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Lambert, E. ( 1998, April 2 ) . Exhilarating eclectic method and abundant colour reawaken English gustatory sensation. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // The Gale Group Inc. ( 2004 ) . Norman Robert Lord Foster of Thames Bank Foster. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // McManus, D. ( 2015, January 26 ) . Beijing Airport Building. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // McManus, D. ( 2015, January 26 ) . Beijing Airport Building. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // The Starck truth: Does British plan demand salvaging? . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Philippe Starck ‘s new prefabricated house realises the modern life ideal. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // How to cite The Evolution of Interior Design, Essay examples