Thursday, February 27, 2020

Innovative information systems capabilities of Disney company Research Paper

Innovative information systems capabilities of Disney company - Research Paper Example The IT sector is behind many of the operations of the organization and is responsible for the smooth running of the various companies that are related to the Walt Disney organization (Gabler 56). Due to the large scale of the Disney family, it cannot be said that the IT functions are centralized but rather are set up in the different companies such as the Animation and Amusement park subsidiaries according to the particular needs of that company and their particular requirements. However, there is a section of IT that can be considered to be central in nature as it is responsible for the overview of the various parts of the Walt Disney Empire (Gabler 59). This is to say that it collects and maintains important information having to do with all the parts of the organization into one place so as to formulate an overview of how the companies are performing with regard to various terms such as financially, growth and expansion (Van den Hoven & Weckert 102). This central collection of inf ormation can be considered to be the hub of the Walt Disney Information System. ... These costs arise in different forms such as the maintenance of the machinery involved with the IT infrastructure in a bid to keep it running smoothly, as well as the cost of manpower that is required to operate the various systems (Daintith 75). These costs tend eat into the organization’s budget as they are cheap. There are various opportunities that can be discovered in this sector as well if one is to carefully look around. These include the room for expansion that is provided by the development of IT. This is with regard to the spread of the internet and the resultant market that is available on this new platform. The proper use of IT in this sector will allow the organization the opportunity to fully exploit this new market (Daintith 89). In terms of threats, the most significant in this category would be of insecurity which has become a growing problem within the IT industry as more hackers look to exploit those who these systems to their own advantage. Hackers are a da ngerous lot and could be responsible for the loss of a lot of  money through operation interruptions and thus the proper security measures need to be taken to ascertain that the system is safe and secure from such individuals. Disney's New Technology There are a number of new technologies within the IT sector that have arrived in Disney over the past few years and have served to improve the business operations of the organization in various ways be it the enhancement of operational efficiency or the attraction of more customers as a result of their introduction (Gabler 98). The main introductions have been of the latter variety and have been especially utilized in amusement parks where

Monday, February 10, 2020

TV Advertising Strategy for Teenage Makeup Research Paper

TV Advertising Strategy for Teenage Makeup - Research Paper Example Therefore, it would be most logical to tie the makeup advertisement with the television programs that are highly popular among the target audience – teenagers. Contrary to the common belief that conventional advertising doesn’t resonate attract teenagers, it has been observed that â€Å"once an ad breaks through the clutter, teens are much more likely to ‘like’ an advertisement than their older counterparts† (Nielsen, 2009, â€Å"Messaging to Teens†). It has been reported that the most popular networks among American teenagers include â€Å"MTV, Disney ®, Cartoon Network ®, Fox, ABC Family, Nickelodeon/Nick at Night ®, Comedy Central ®, and MTV2† (Malinowski, 2010, â€Å"Television†); however, it is worth mentioning on a more particular note that younger female teenagers have more liking for Disney ®, and their older counterparts favor MTV. Hence, these channels should be chosen for the purpose of advertising teenage makeup, due to their obvious popularity among female teenagers in America. It has been observed that the television shows which enjoy maximum popularity among the American teenagers comprise â€Å"Full House, Family Guy, and Hannah Montana. One Tree Hill, Gilmore Girls, and Greys Anatomy† – more importantly, these are also the programs that are liked the most by older female teenagers. Apart from these, it has been found that non-white teenagers prefer â€Å"Degrassi, Charmed, and Friends† (Malinowski, 2010, â€Å"Television†). It has been reported that advertisements pertaining to hair products and cosmetics are among those that â€Å"did the best job of breaking through the clutter to teen viewers† (Nielsen, 2009, â€Å"Advertising†). Therefore, the most logical strategy will be to tie the advertisements with these programs in order to enhance the impact on the teenagers. Owing to the fact that the world is transforming into a global